How early or late can I fish?
That is up to you. We need to know who is on the property for safety reasons. That's one of the main reasons we developed our digital check-in system that allows you to check-in whenever, and from wherever, you like. Please use it for your safety and to let other members know the usage on the river in real time.
What about bathrooms? Are there facilities on site?
Yes, we have a port-a-john next to the Shannon's Shack that is cleaned weekly and available for members' use.
What is a family membership?
One full member and their spouse plus any children under 21. Older children or extended family are welcome through the One-Day Guest Pass program.
What flies are the fish taking?
It is our hope the blog page will carry the most current daily suggestions. Any member can blog about their day, successes, and ideas. If the blogs get out of date (daily weather conditions will make this common), visit the South Branch Outfitters site, updated weekly and sometimes daily.
Do you stock fish?
Yes. We stock twice in the spring and once in the fall totaling over 600 fish. Most stocked fish are 12-14" with a few lunkers for fun. Our fish do grow and all the members have been careful about the survival of the trout. We use two automatic feeders with a 6 second push overnight during the prime feeding months. Hand feeding is a supplement to move the fish throughout the watercourse
How's the water today?
Up to the minute, weather and stream information is available on the USGS’s site. You can navigate there by clicking the link at the bottom of this page.
Are there drinks and snacks available?
The Shack's refrigerator is stocked with snacks, water, sodas and burgers, and dogs. The grill is also available. This is included with membership.
Where should I park?
Our default is to the paved lot at the Shack. During events at the Inn, we need you to park in the field to the right as you enter between the guardrails. We try to keep pressure off the grasses hence the bias to asphalt.
Must I "check in" to fish?
Yes, we prefer you check in to allow tracking of who is on the property. Be sure to check out when done. As we continue to mature as a club this step will be second nature. Once you save the website to your home page on your smartphone, it is only one click away from registration or departure. Thanks for helping keep this current.
How do you know who is parked and fishing?
We collect vehicle and plate information when a member signs in. Kindly keep this current so we can check on who's using the river.
Can we fish if there is an event taking place at the Inn?
Yes, park in the field.
I lost my net or fly box, have you seen it?
If we have found it, it's in the Shannon's Shack. Any particularly valuable items we will store in the Inn or give to Shannon's staff for safe keeping until your return.
Can I bring a guest?
Yes. There is a rod fee of $75.00. This is paid on line by registering your guest. There is a release form box to check prior to guest fishing. They will be completed for the day of use. Repeat guests are limited to 2 visits per year.